Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pulling in the Nets

This post is getting up late because the internet connection was down last night because of a storm that rolled through yesterday evening.  But Wednesday was an eventful day. On Tuesday afternoon, we bagged rice in 5lb bags to be delivered on Wednesday morning. Bright and early Wednesday morning, we headed to Royale to pass out bags of rice.  Royale is a village sitting on the beach. As we walked toward the water, men were pulling in nets to draw in their catch. The guys in the group, led by our missionary Big Jeff, jumped in and started pulling. By the time we finished pulling, a crowd had gathered. Big Jeff stood up and shared the gospel with the group of people. Then Terry stood up and shared his heart.  After that, we passed out bags of rice to the moms in the village. We had a few bags left when we got back to the bus so we handed them out as we walked out of the village.  Jeff's goal is to have a church gathered in the village in the future.

We left there and went to another village that is closer to the mountains. It's surrounded by plantain fields, mango trees, and an assortment of other agriculture. After a walk around the village, we went to the church building where Jeff shared the gospel and Jim shared his testimony.  We passed out rice to the moms and as they walked out of the church each mom would raise her hands and say, "Merci, Jesus!"

After a siesta, we spent the afternoon painting a community outhouse and putting a roof on it. The outhouse is in the community where our team had worked last year building two houses. We had planned on building a house in the same community this year but weren't able to get to it. It was quite the experience doing the work because the outhouse was already in use. Let's just say it was a very odoriferous experience. The work went quickly and we were able to finish painting inside and out and get the roof on in one afternoon.  

Thanks for all of the prayers . . . 

FBC Haiti mission team!

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